Saturday, February 25, 2012

Is the U.S. Postal Service "broke"?

I keep getting these anti-health care email forwards that reference the U.S. Postal Service being broke. Apparently this is supposed to draw a parallel with the current health care legislation, implying that it too will end up "broke". (Note: Please restrict your answers to the USPS; I don't need your opinion on health care.)

Personally, I've always been amazed that I can send something for 40-some cents anywhere in the country, and their package rates are usually cheaper than UPS and FedEx as well. Am I missing something? Why would people think the USPS is broke? Perhaps it's heavily subsidized through taxes, and I don't realize that the postage I pay is only part of the cost?Is the U.S. Postal Service "broke"?
I work with a US Mail Carrier (at her second job) and several months ago she did mention that yes, the US Postal Service was out of money, literally. She didn't know where the money was going to come from to pay her check, because the account was empty.

She didn't seem to worried about it, so I assume that it's one of those things where they are making cuts somewhere else but yes, the US Postal Service is broke.

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