Saturday, February 25, 2012

How do I get an email address for someone I know without asking them?

I wish to send an email to a friend but I only have their postal service mailing address. Is there a way to look up an email address?How do I get an email address for someone I know without asking them?
mayby this add can help you,
Since you have your friends postal address send an old fashion letter and include your email address.How do I get an email address for someone I know without asking them?
look for an email, like a joke, that was sent to you from a mutual friend and see if the other person's email address is listed in there somewhere with other people that it was sent to.
ask a mutual friendHow do I get an email address for someone I know without asking them?
put their information in insted of yours
ask one of their friends. Email addy's are not posted or listed anywhere.
EASY....go to the white pages on your computer or if you don't have it go to the people finder and type his/her name and part or any of her/his address and if will come up. You'll have to go through a series of questions,,,, good luck,

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