Saturday, March 10, 2012

I copied and pasted this from my email? I know this is a scam, but should i contact FEDEX and let them know?

I copied and pasted this from my email? I know this is a scam, but should i contact FEDEX?


From: FedEx (

You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk

Sent: Tue 11/03/09 6:52 AM


Customer Service: We have been waiting for you to contact us for your Package that is beenregistered with us for shipping to your residential location. We hadthought that your sender gave you our contact details. It may interest youto know that a letter is also added to your package. However, we cannotquote the content of your package, except that it has a Bank Draft worthof $688,000.00 (Six Hundred and Eighty Eight Thousand US Dollars). As youknow, FedEx does not ship money in CASH or in CHEQUES but BANK DRAFTS areshippable. The package is registered with us for mailing by an official of the unitednation office in UK. We are sending you this email because your package isbeen registered on a Special Order. What you have to do now, is to contactour Delivery Department for immediate dispatch of your package to yourresidential address. Note that as soon as our Delivery Team confirms yourinformation, it will take three (3) working days (72Hrs) for your packageto arrive at your designated destination. For your information, the VAT %26amp; Shipping charges as well as Insurance feeshave been paid by your colleague before your package was registered. Note that the payment that is made on the Insurance, Premium %26amp; ClearanceCertificates, are to certify that the Bank Draft is not a Drug AffiliatedFund DAF) neither is it funds to sponsor Terrorism in your country. Thiswill help you avoid any form of query from the Monetary Authority of yourcountry. However, you will have to pay a sum of £150 GBP which is equivalent to$248 USD to the FedEx Delivery Department being full payment for theSecurity Keeping Fee of the FedEx Company as stated in our privacy terms%26amp; condition page. Also be informed that your colleague wished to pay forthe Security Keeping charges, but we do not accept such paymentsconsidering the fact that all items %26amp; packages that are registered withus have a time limitation and we cannot accept payment without knowingwhen you will be picking up the package or even respond to us. So wecannot take the risk to have accepted such a payment incase of anypossible demurrage, kindly note that your colleague did not leave us withany further information. We hope that you respond to us as soon as possible because if you fail torespond until the expiry date of the foremost package, we may refer thepackage to the British Commission for Welfare as the package do not have areturn address. Kindly contact the delivery department (FedEx DeliveryPost) with the details given below: Contact Person: Mr. Anderson Cole.Email: fedex-courier2@live.comPhone-Number: +2347059833193 Kindly complete the below form and send it to the email address givenabove. This is mandatory to reconfirm your Postal address and telephonenumbers.FULL NAMES:TELEPHONE:POSTAL ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:COUNTRY: As soon as your details are received, our delivery team will give you thenecessary payment procedure so that you can effect the payment for theSecurity Keeping Fees. As soon as they confirm your payment of £150 GBPwhich is equivalent to $248 USD, they shall immediately dispatch yourpackage to the designated address. It usually takes 72 Hours being anexpress delivery service. Ensure to contact the delivery department with the email address andensure to fill the above form as well to enable successful reconfirmation. Yours Faithfully,Mrs. Margaret Blair.FedEx Online Management Team.All rights reserved. ? 1995-2009 FedEx.I copied and pasted this from my email? I know this is a scam, but should i contact FEDEX and let them know?
OMG! I got the same thing today!

Customer Service: We have been waiting for you to contact us for your Package that is beenregistered with us for shipping to your residential location. We hadthought that your sender gave you our contact details. It may interest youto know that a letter is also added to your package. However, we cannotquote the content of your package, except that it has a Bank Draft worthof $688,000.00 (Six Hundred and Eighty Eight Thousand US Dollars). As youknow, FedEx does not ship money in CASH or in CHEQUES but BANK DRAFTS areshippable. The package is registered with us for mailing by an official of the unitednation office in UK. We are sending you this email because your package isbeen registered on a Special Order. What you have to do now, is to contactour Delivery Department for immediate dispatch of your package to yourresidential address. Note that as soon as our Delivery Team confirms yourinformation, it will take three (3) working days (72Hrs) for your packageto arrive at your designated destination. For your information, the VAT %26amp; Shipping charges as well as Insurance feeshave been paid by your colleague before your package was registered. Note that the payment that is made on the Insurance, Premium %26amp; ClearanceCertificates, are to certify that the Bank Draft is not a Drug AffiliatedFund DAF) neither is it funds to sponsor Terrorism in your country. Thiswill help you avoid any form of query from the Monetary Authority of yourcountry. However, you will have to pay a sum of £150 GBP which is equivalent to$248 USD to the FedEx Delivery Department being full payment for theSecurity Keeping Fee of the FedEx Company as stated in our privacy terms%26amp; condition page. Also be informed that your colleague wished to pay forthe Security Keeping charges, but we do not accept such paymentsconsidering the fact that all items %26amp; packages that are registered withus have a time limitation and we cannot accept payment without knowingwhen you will be picking up the package or even respond to us. So wecannot take the risk to have accepted such a payment incase of anypossible demurrage, kindly note that your colleague did not leave us withany further information. We hope that you respond to us as soon as possible because if you fail torespond until the expiry date of the foremost package, we may refer thepackage to the British Commission for Welfare as the package do not have areturn address. Kindly contact the delivery department (FedEx DeliveryPost) with the details given below: Contact Person: Mr. Anderson Cole.Email: fedex-courier2@live.comPhone-Number: +2347059833193 Kindly complete the below form and send it to the email address givenabove. This is mandatory to reconfirm your Postal address and telephonenumbers.FULL NAMES:TELEPHONE:POSTAL ADDRESS:CITY:STATE:COUNTRY: As soon as your details are received, our delivery team will give you thenecessary payment procedure so that you can effect the payment for theSecurity Keeping Fees. As soon as they confirm your payment of £150 GBPwhich is equivalent to $248 USD, they shall immediately dispatch yourpackage to the designated address. It usually takes 72 Hours being anexpress delivery service. Ensure to contact the delivery department with the email address andensure to fill the above form as well to enable successful reconfirmation. Yours Faithfully,Mrs. Margaret Blair.FedEx Online Management Team.All rights reserved. ? 1995-2009 FedEx.I copied and pasted this from my email? I know this is a scam, but should i contact FEDEX and let them know?
Yes, you should.I copied and pasted this from my email? I know this is a scam, but should i contact FEDEX and let them know?
You can forward it to but your pretty much wasting your time, these scams are mostly out of africa, former soviet block countries and china and there is virtually nothing anyone can do... The key is for people around the world need to realize these are scams, and to ignore them all, yet morons keep sending these people money to "process" the oil inheritance, package handling fees, etc in the insane hope that it's legit...key is it's not, never will be and as long as people are stupid and greedy, spammers will keep sending this nonsense.
They are getting crafty huh? The only reason these don't work anymore is because they are so poorly written. But I could definitely imagine this stuff working if they presented it correctly....which is really scary. How hard could it possibly be to find a scam artist who speaks english?

Anyway, report it, but don't expect anything. These things are a dime a dozen and can't be stopped.
  • beef o bradys
  • que
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